How to become the best version of the powerful woman you know you are and lead yourself from within.

How to become the best version of the powerful woman you know you are and lead yourself from within.

You cannot win with culture’s expectations of you as a working mother.

You’re expected to work, but only if you manage to perform perfectly in ALL your required roles:

Do great at work - dedicating time and advance your career.
Raise happy, polite, smart, well-adjusted kids.
Nurture a fiery, connected relationship with your partner.

Do great at work - dedicating time and advance your career.

Raise happy, polite, smart, well-adjusted kids.

Nurture a fiery, connected relationship with your partner.

That all sounds great, but we’re also taught that you CAN’T ACTUALLY DO ALL THESE SIMULTANEOUSLY!

That all sounds great, but we’re also taught that you CAN’T ACTUALLY DO ALL THESE SIMULTANEOUSLY!

Do great at work - dedicating time and advance your career.

Raise happy, polite, smart, well-adjusted kids.

Nurture a fiery, connected relationship with your partner.

These roles we have as career woman, mother, and partner are not supposed to cross or inconvenience the other...

which usually means that your job gets the best of you, and your family gets the rest. 

Yet, you see other moms checking all of the boxes, and they make “doing it all” look so damn easy. You know, the way you thought it would be for you too.

These roles we have as career woman, mother, and partner are not supposed to cross or inconvenience the other...

which usually means that your job gets the best of you, and your family gets the rest. 

Yet, you see other moms checking all of the boxes, and they make “doing it all” look so damn easy. You know, the way you thought it would be for you too.

You doubt yourself and wonder why you can’t figure out how to get to that place of harmony and ease at home AND be a badass at work.

You’ve become the one thing you swore you’d never, ever be - overcommitted at work, the yelling parent and nagging wife at home.

It leaves you feeling defeated, overwhelmed, and alone in how to make it all work and you’re in one or all three of these places:

At this point you might just accept your fate and maybe even believe that the intimacy in your marriage fading away into non-existence is just the price you’re supposed to pay.

Yelling at your kids over homework and chores instead of having fun and connecting with them. Well, it just is what it is. Right?!

And you better go all in at work, letting everything else fall by the wayside, if you want to be successful.

Momming and careering (this way) has you spinning and maxed-out emotionally. 

Something is always falling short and you’re hurrying yourself and everyone around you through the busyness of schedules, supposed-tos and reaching for some outdated ideal of what you’re roles should look like.

You’ve tried all the things, ways, and practices to get it all under “control”.

Scheduling and organizing, time-management, yoga, meditation, reading books on parenting and career women...

because someone out there has to have the answers you need...

What’s wrong with the current wisdom around modern motherhood is that it teaches you to settle.

What’s wrong with the current wisdom around modern motherhood is that it teaches you to settle.

It doesn’t allow you to focus on your own desires or even give you the space to define what you personally need.

It tells you that success means you should overwork yourself at home to compensate for having a career.

It teaches you to put the equivalent of a band-aid on a gushing bullet wound, and never really gets to the core issue of the wound. 
It’s missing emotional self-leadership skills, and it perpetuates the myth that you should come last.

This is why you feel like you are failing, because triaging is not the answer.

Following some made up pecking order of needs isn’t any better, and honestly, if you are not in a place of ease, how the hell is everything else supposed to feel that way?
SPOILER ALERT: this way of being isn’t easy.

What’s wrong with the current wisdom around modern motherhood is that it teaches you to settle.

The truth is...
we create what we feel.

Everything in our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. When you feel chaos, you better believe there is chaos. 

Do you want that? Hell no!

Is there a better way to create what we want? Hell yes!

When you clear out the gunk and the way you currently feel about things, you can create a different reality. 

You can redefine the way you do parenting and having a career by igniting your emotional leadership.

All challenges you are facing, whether it is difficult behavior from your kids, loss of intimacy in your marriage, or a tough boss, you can stop navigating your day-to-day based on old operating patterns and by what you think is expected of you.

The truth is...
we create what we feel.

Everything in our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. When you feel chaos, you better believe there is chaos. 

Do you want that? Hell no!

Is there a better way to create what we want? Hell yes!

When you clear out the gunk and the way you currently feel about things, you can create a different reality. 

You can redefine the way you do parenting and having a career by igniting your emotional self-leadership.

All challenges you are facing, whether it is difficult behavior from your kids, loss of intimacy in your marriage, or a tough boss, you can stop navigating your day-to-day based on old operating patterns and by what you think is expected of you.

I’ve figured out a way to become the best version of yourself as a mother, career woman, and partner.

This is what we do by using the 

Feel immediate relief from old paradigms.
Renew your coping strategies.
Rise into your next-level leadership role.

I’ve figured out a way to become the best version of yourself as a mother, career woman, and partner.

This is what we do by using the 

Feel immediate relief from old paradigms.
Renew your coping strategies.
Rise into your next-level leadership role.
Know exactly what you want and give yourself permission to go after it.

Have happy kids you can fully enjoy.

Have a calm and harmonious home life.

Maintain a great relationship and sex life with your partner. 
Make more money, have more success in business, with less stress and better health.

On paper, life in my 30s looked pretty perfect.

I married my college sweetheart, graduated with an Ivy League PhD from the University of Cambridge, had two healthy, gorgeous kids, our own home and a multiple six-figure household income.

How could you NOT be happy and walking on air? I had it all but couldn’t feel it. It had turned me into a successful powerhouse in the office, but behind closed doors, I turned into a mommy-monster.

My parenting was a constant power struggle, overshadowed by feelings of inadequacy and helplessness.

I wanted to do it right and raise happy kids, yet, there was more chaos than connection. I became desperate to fix this and understand why on earth I could not have it all in an easy and aligned way.

It took me on a journey of deep self-transformation, inner healing and emotional awakening that completely shifted my parenting and careering paradigm.


Using my background in emotional psychology, neuroscience, immunology +12 years in corporate leadership, I help you create a harmonious home life, a powerful and sexy marriage, while crushing your income and career goals.

I will show you how to navigate it all the easy and aligned way so you can create all that you truly desire in the fastest way possible.

Get ready to light up your life and....

It’s time to truly have it all: a rewarding career, time to be a more connected parent, a sexy goddess, and a leader creating impact in this world.

IGNITE will teach you exactly what you need to know to feel strongly connected to your children, be a positive, calming influence on your family life, feel energized in your work and show up in your life as your best, badass self.

  • Know your home life isn’t suffering or falling apart as a result of having a career.
  • Communicate your value at work and ask for what you want, without the shame and stress.
  • ​Get your mindset right around creating ease instead of constantly managing the chaos, so it isn’t a struggle anymore.
  • Learn to take care of yourself first so you can navigate all demands from a place of peace and strength.
  • ​Stop glorifying family martyrdom so you teach your kids strength and resilience. 
  • ​Understand that not being perfect actually gets you the perfect experiences.

Stop stressing and start living with ease

so you can truly have it all without giving anything up!

Start loving, living, and leading like the Badass Queen you are!

The Clock is Ticking,
your new life starts now!

You only have so much time to live this life. 

Are you willing to go another year, five years, ten years, living with the struggle when there's something you could do about it now?

Make the decision NOW that you deserve better and are going to make it happen in your life.

Q: I have so much on my plate. Handling a business, a team, household, my kids… I find myself stressed and annoyed when the tiniest little things go wrong. How can I let go but know that things will get done and work out?

A: The beauty of IGNITE is that you will learn to let go without feeling like you are giving up. The most important thing we can do is not judge ourselves, and give ourselves grace.
Q: How can I stay present and grounded when things are crazy?

A: The best leaders and mothers are fully present in the moment, instead of trying to multitask more than they need to. IGNITE teaches you to drop the guilt and just be, in order to give the best of yourself in every situation. 
Q: I still have a question, how can I contact you?

A: Yes, of course. Email me at!
Q: What happens on the call?

A: We will take a look at your specific situation, understand what is not working in your family and career life and what you would like to change. If we feel we can help you, we will show you what that looks like, if not, we will steer you towards someone else that will meet your needs. 
Q: I want to make an impact, I love my work but people judge me for putting my child all day into day care. I feel like a terrible mom. How do I get out of this?

A: You get out of this by surrounding yourself with women who are on a similar path. Without support, it can be difficult to do all that we need to do as working women and the equally important job of being a mom.
Q: I don’t want to miss out on my kids toddler years but work is commanding my time.

A: It comes down to learning how to make an impact at work without overworking yourself. Ignite will show you how to break free from the molded reality of “success only comes with hard work”. We will show you why it doesn’t matter what you do but more importantly who you are being while you are doing it. That way you can claim time whenever your family needs you without impacting your business success.      
Q: I know my stuff, I want to create an impact but I feel my suggestions are not being heard at work. What should I do?

A: Women often feel unheard within organizations. Ignite will teach you the benefits of valuing yourself and truly owning who you are. When we show up with confidence and clarity people start paying attention. Rather than making it a “fight to be heard”, become your own champion and learn to speak with the intention of being heard. 
Q: I don’t want emotional stuff, I need to be more productive and make this work, I don't have time to be emotional .

A: If we’re being honest, not making space for the “emotional stuff” is the crux of everything. When we disregard the old gunk and think it has no role in our current circumstance, we are kidding ourselves. It will always rear its ugly head, to be used as a crutch, until we deal with it. So, let’s just clear it once and for all!

IGNITE is everything you need to...

  • Succeed in parenting and work the easy way. 
  • Love and live with more energy and more time in all areas of your life.
  • Lead from a place of your deepest desires.
  • ​Feel empowered and confident from your core.
  • ​Find your personal freedom to smash the ceiling while maintaining deeply connected relationships with your family, and design YOUR life the way you thought you would enjoy living it by now. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late to make a change, bet on yourself now!

IGNITE is everything you need to...

  • Succeed in parenting and work the easy way. 
  • Love and live with more energy and more time in all areas of your life.
  • Lead from a place of your deepest desires.
  • ​Feel empowered and confident from your core.
  • ​Find your personal freedom to smash the ceiling while maintaining deeply connected relationships with your family, and design YOUR life the way you thought you would enjoy living it by now. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late to make a change, bet on yourself now!

Start making yourself a priority and stop letting other people’s needs come first.

Make time for your desires and commit to being the best in all areas of your life.

Finally find JOY in doing it all, with ease!

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